

A hybrid of an Iguanodon and a Kaprosuchus, watch out for their deadly bite!

Average Length: 7-9m

Ability: Fisher, Stable
​Vulnerability: Fury

Terrain: Semi-Aquatic

Diet: Omnivore


This semi-aquatic Crocodilian is faster than their cousins and tend to have more energy! 

Average Length: 4-5m 

Ability: Fisher

​Vulnerability: Fury

Terrain: Semi-Aquatic

Diet: Carnivore


A hybrid of Kentrosaurus and Quetzalcoatlus, a majestic sight to behold!

Average Length: 6-10m (Wingspan)

Ability: Fly, Spikey

​Vulnerability: Stabby

Terrain: Land

Diet: Omnivore


This massive amphibian may have soft skin but don't make the mistake of thinking their teeth are the same.

Average Length: 5-6m

Ability: Jaws.

​Vulnerability: Dry

Terrain: Aquatic

Diet: Carnivore


These laid back grazers spend their time in the warm shallows. 

Average Length: 9-11m

Ability: Sun Bather
​Vulnerability: Nervous

Terrain: Semi-Aquatic

Diet: Herbivore


Its said to live in the shadows, you will know if a Maip is nearby by the deeper breathing than others its size has.

Rarity: Uncommon

Average Length: 7-8m

Ability: Sun Bather

​Vulnerability: Fury

Terrain: Land

Diet: Carnivore


A big Arctic predator spoken of in myths during the winter months.

Average Length: 6-10m 

Ability: Roar
​Vulnerability: Hairy

Terrain: Land

Diet: Carnivore


A marine reptile that avoids the land, their jaws are lined with unique teeth that are often seen as a good luck charm if found on the beach.

Average Length: 5-7m

Ability: Jaws
​Vulnerability: Dry

Terrain: Aquatic

Diet: Carnivore


A flashy dinosaur, they do think they are better than parasaurs.

Rarity: Rare

Average Length: 10-12m

Ability: Sun Bather

Vulnerability: Willfull

Terrain: Land

Diet: Herbivore


Very Shy dinosaurs, they tend to form small groups.

Average Length: 5-7m

Ability: Stable

​Vulnerability: Nervous 

Terrain: Land

Diet: Herbivore


A Hybrid of Dimetrodon and Parasaurolophus.

Average Length: 8-12m

Ability: Roar, Sun Bather

​Vulnerability: Loud

Terrain: Land

Diet: Omnivore



Parasaurs are party animals! they love to socialise and have fun.

Rarity: Common

Average Length: 10-12m

Ability: Roar

Vulnerability: Loud

Terrain: Land


A graceful glider these fliers can travel quite far and often work in delivery.

Average Length: 6-7m (Wingspan)

Ability: Fly

​Vulnerability: Loud

Terrain: Land

Diet: Carnivore


One of the largest fliers in the world, they can be quite sluggish on the land but make great dinosaurs for traveling with slightly heaver loads.

Average Length: 8-11m (Wingspan)

Ability: Fly

​Vulnerability: Slow

Terrain: Land

Diet: Carnivore


These dinosaurs are seen is rare, and are difficult to get along with. Most find them unnerving in appearance and they make humans very nervous. You can see more info on them here [MISSING LINK]
​They are viviparous!

Average Height: See Species Info [MISSING LINK]

Ability: Taken from parents

​Vulnerability: Taken from parents

Terrain: Land

Diet: Omnivore


This semi-aquatic crocodilian is known for being rather friendly for a crocodile and can be trusted. This was not written by a Sarcosuchus.

Average Length: 8-9m 

Ability: Sly

​Vulnerability: Sluggish

Terrain: Semi-Aquatic

Diet: Carnivore


A Hybrid of a Tyrannosaurus and Spinosaurus​.

Average Length: 12-17m

Ability: Roar, Fisher

​Vulnerability: Big

Terrain: Semi-Aquatic

Diet: Carnivore


A hybrid of a Spinosarus and a Utahraptor.

Average Length: 11-14m

Ability: Smarts, Fisher

​Vulnerability: Big

Terrain: Land

Diet: Carnivore


Artistic in nature many learn to tattoo their sails.

​Average Length: 13-18m

Ability: Fisher

​Vulnerability: Big

Terrain: Semi-Aquatic

Diet: Carnivore


​A Hybrid of a Deinosuchus and Spinosaurus​.

Average Length: 10-15m

Ability: Sun Bather, Fisher

​Vulnerability: Big

Terrain: Semi-Aquatic

Diet: Carnivore

63 results found.