A hybrid of an Allosaurus and a Pteranodon, the closest thing to a dragon we know of!
Average Length: 9-10m (wing span)
Ability: Fly, Volatile
Vulnerability: Lonely
Terain: Land
Diet: Carnivore
A hybrid of a Therizinosaurus and Allosaurus with razor sharp claws.
Average Length: 10-12m
Ability: Volatile, Spikey
Vulnerability: Stabby
Terrain: Land
Diet: Omnivore
A hybrid of a Suchomimus [Link] and Ankylosaurus. [Link]
Rarity: Epic
Average Length: 7-10m
Vulnerability: Fury
Terrain: Semi-Aquatic
Diet: Omnivore
A Hybrid of Triceratops and an Ankylosaurus .
Average Length: 8-9m
Ability: Solid, Charge
Vulnerability: Fury
Terrain: Land
Diet: Herbivore
Gentle Water dwellers that filter feed.
Average Length: 4-5m
Ability: Hoover
Vulnerability: Slow
Terrain: Aquatic
Diet: Herbivore
Quick swimmers, the Baryonyx are some of the best fishers in the world.
Average Length: 9-11m
Ability: Fisher
Vulnerability: Unsteady
Terrain: Semi-Aquatic
Diet: Carnivore
Quick tempered and easily taunted, they love to show off with brute strength.
Average Length: 7-8m
Ability: Volatile
Vulnerability: Fury
Terrain: Land
Diet: Carnivore
Ceratosaurus lives close to rivers, preferring to mix its diet with fish and herbivore meat.
Rarity: Rare
Average Length: 5-7m
Ability: Deadly
Vulnerability: Stabby
Terrain: Land
Diet: Carnivore
This semi-aquatic Crocodilian is large and mean, though generally calm when sunbathing.
Average Length: 9-10m
Ability: Sun Bather
Vulnerability: Slow
Terrain: Semi-Aquatic
Diet: Carnivore
A hybrid betweed dilophosaurus and tyrannosaurus rex, they are a large acid spitting dinosaur with a stinging temperament to match.
Average Length: 9-14m
Ability: Spit, Roar
Vulnerability: Loud
Terrain: Land
Diet: Carnivore
Feisty dinosaurs they are known for their distinctive laugh that makes others nervous, it's recommended you avoid their spit.
Average Length: 6-7m
Ability: Spit
Vulnerability: Skittish
Terrain: Land
Diet: Carnivore
Very Laid back, they came from an unknown land mass .
Average Length: 4-5m
Ability: Sun Bather
Vulnerability: Slow
Terrain: Land
Diet: Carnivore
A hybrid of an Ichthyosaurus and a Baryonyx.
Average Length: 6-9m
Ability: Swift Swim, Fisher
Vulnerability: Unsteady
Terrain: Aquatic
Diet: Carnivore
A fish-like reptile that sticks near the surface of the water as it too breathes air, they are known for their ability to race through the water.
Average Length: 4-5m
Ability: Swift Swim
Vulnerability: Skittish
Terrain: Aquatic
Diet: Carnivore
Known for their artistic abilities, they are the go to dinosaurs for spine engraving.
Average Length: 5-6m
Ability: Spikey
Vulnerability: Stabby
Terrain: Land
Diet: Herbivore