Terms of Service

Created: 13 January 2024, 23:39:57 UTC
Last updated: 20 January 2024, 03:56:27 UTC

terms & conditions

The following document outlines the Ancient Outpost website Terms of Use. Before using this website, you must read, understand and agree to these terms. Please read the document carefully and in full, and also review our Privacy Policy.


  • Respect, we ask for behaviour to be respectful to others, racists remarks, verbal abuse and in general any hate directed to others or groups of other people is not tolerated.
  • Please use appropriate filters on our website and server we run at a PG-16 level, depiction of sexual acts is not to be submitted to the Website or our Discord Server.
  • Though mild cursing is allowed within works, we ask heavy or controversial topics are avoided.
  • Do not ask for anything not offered for sale or trade, nor answer questions directed at modarators or admins, do not DM modorators or admins  unless it is necessary due to issues with other members or admins.
  • ​Harassment of any kind is not permitted, if you need to report harassment, do so to an admin, you are allowed to block admins however be aware this may effect wait times, depending on where that admin works within the website and Discord. 
  • One account per Player, please make sure your active account name and Discord name are linked in some way, Having multiple accounts is grounds for suspension or a ban.


​Uploadable Content 

  • This website and Discord server runs on a PG-16 Basis users are not required to filter swearing and/or mild gore and violence, it is advisable to filter were you can with heavy use of those topics requiring filters. 
  • You may not use other artists work and claim it as your own, this includes tracing, AI art, photography  etc.
  • All works must be accessible to admins to be counted for anything within the website, if an admin can not gain access it may be void.
  • you may not use official group resources to create your own images or works.
  • You may not upload imports to art profiles, (such as deviant art) they may however be uploaded to sites such as Toyhou.se or Weebly personal sites. 
  • You may not use your dinosaur design within the group until it has been uploaded by the import account, this is to avoid incorrect versions being depicted and art being rejected. 



 Between you and Ancient Outpost, you will retain ownership of all original text, images, and other original content you provide through the Site, and all intellectual property rights in Your Content. Ancient Outpost is not liable for any user content submitted that is unlawful in any way.

Ownership of charcters belongs to you and you alone, we do not approve of or allow for multiple ownership, in the case of a ban we will not try to or have a right to remove those charcters from you. The site will simple leave them as is. If you wish to have a character removed from the site, please contact an administator or modarator. 



Ancient Outpost works on a three strike system. The third strike is a ban from the group. There may be times where we believe the strike system should be bypassed , such as major term breaking ( hacking, illigal content etc). 

Our strike system does have a time period, after 4 months a strike will be removed from a users name, There will be times where some strikes are perminant depending on what term was broken, you will be notifed of permenant strikes. 

Bans are permenant.